Herbs have been used for centuries worldwide as a form of curative medicine, providing support for the body, mind and spirit on a nutritional, cleansing and medicinal level. Herbal remedies are used as a preventative and curative form of medication - detoxifying and rejuvenating the body.
Western, Chinese and European herbal remedies are compiled to the individuals needs with most available as a tablet or liquid.
Most diets starve your body and can slow your metabolism, actually leading to weight gain, and robbing the body of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The Ultra Lite Weight Loss system, when followed correctly, guarantees weight loss whilst providing all the necessary nutrients, high quality protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential fatty acids in proper balance to ensure good health and well being while you lose weight.
Ultra Lite is not for everyone. Make an appointment today and see if this effective weight loss programme is suitable for you.