Answers to the most commonly asked questions

pink blooms

Frequently Asked Questions

Like cures like. Substances in minute potentised doses are administered in liquid or pillule preparations. These medicines are safe and pleasant to take and will not interfere with prescribed medications. See Homoeopathy section.

This is a personal  assessment which varies according to the individual and the condition treated. Acute conditions can be alleviated very quickly, indeed instantly in some cases. Generally the longer you have had a complaint the longer it takes to cure. Sometimes, an adjustment to lifestyle and nutritional requirements is all that’s needed.

“Do No Harm” is the motto of Homoeopathic medicine. It is the safest form of treatment if prescribed correctly.  Herbal medicine and supplements should be taken according to directions supplied by the practitioner.  Existing prescribed medications, general health, as well as physical and mental wellbeing will be taken into account when formulating your prescription. All herbal medicines are made to TGA (therapeutic Goods Act) regulations. All medications whether natural or pharmaceutical should only be taken by the person for whom it was prescribed. Keep all medicines in a safe place out of reach of children.

Naturopathy is the art of returning the body to a healthy state. Any general mental or physical condition – acute or chronic – can benefit from naturopathic treatment.

Yes. I am registered with all major Health funds. Please check with your health fund to see if your level of cover qualifies you for a rebate.  Although a referral from your medical practitioner is not required for a consultation, it will entitle you to claim a rebate on your income tax return for medical expenses.

Consultations are by appointment only. After hour and weekend appointments are available. Please go to the contact page.

Yes indeed!  Personalised care is available from fertility and pre-conception through pregnancy and birth to childhood  - including painless immunization. From adolescence to old age.  Any health issue can be addressed from aches and pains or coughs and colds to hormonal imbalances or disease states. Mental, Emotional, Physical. If you are looking for a better, healthier future… an appointment today.

Certainly. There are lots of reasons why people suffer these symptoms.

Hormonal/emotional/physical/mental stresses or imbalances should be assessed and treatment may vary from person to person.  Medication or lifestyle can also be contributing factors and need to be addressed.

Yes. Polly clinic is available for consultation by appointment. Please contact me with your details and requested appointment requirements.